Device Error Codes
First of all, don't panic. Errors can have a variety of causes. They can be due to an underlying hardware problem, some can be caused by a dropped Bluetooth connection and will resolve themselves, and some just may require an update.
The error screen will timeout after two minutes and the device will reboot so it is best to take a picture for reference in case the error is not re-occurring. This is an example error code that you might see. In this case, the error code to look up in the list below is "b20".
There is also some more detailed information about device errors and what you can do to fix them for Moto and Velo 2.
Boot Error
These typically occur during an update, if the Bluetooth connection was interrupted. If your device is showing the cloud icon, you should be able to update it using the app. If you have any issues, contact us, and we'll help you as soon as we can.
Dev Error
Short for "Device Error". Please take a picture of the screen and contact us.
a10 - a15
The battery measurement circuit has reported a problem. Please report this error.
The device was trying to communicate with the phone, but the connection was lost. This should resolve itself but we'd still like to hear from you what happened. Please report this error, and tell us what phone you have and what was happening before the error occured.
b11 - b19
Unexpected Bluetooth error. Please report this error. The device should restart and work as normal afterwards.
The phone tried to change the connection properties but failed. This should resolve itself but please report this error.
b21 - b96
Bluetooth error. Please report this error as well as the phone you use. There are many types of Bluetooth related issues and they usually resolve themselves. However, we are constantly working to improve the device and will try to reproduce and subsequently fix any problems that are reported.
c1 - c8
The timer on the device has reported a problem. Please report this error.
d1 - d6
The display on the device has reported a problem. Please report this error.
If this is a new Moto II device and this error is recurring, it is likely a hardware issue with the connection of the LCD ribbon cable and your device will need replacing. Please contact us and include a picture of the screen as well as purchasing information and we will help you as soon as we can.
s10 - s43, t1 - t4
The device's sensors have reported a problem. This error might be caused by a temporary electrical issue and might resolve itself when the device reboots after a few minutes. However, if it doesn't resolve itself it may indicate a permanent fault. Please contact us and include a picture of the screen as well as purchasing information and we will help you as soon as we can.
If you have a Velo2 device with this error, we have a fix available. Please follow the steps below to get your device back up and running again!
- On your phone (both in the settings menu of the Beeline app, and in your phone’s Bluetooth settings) unpair from the device.
- If your device still has battery, hold down the bottom button until the device enters update mode (cloud icon on screen). Or, if your device has run out of battery, first hold the bottom button down, then connect a charger. Hold the button until the device enters update mode (cloud icon on screen).
- Release the button.
- In the Beeline app, connect to the device. It should show up as being in recovery/update mode, and it should immediately initiate an update.
- Wait for the update to complete.
- The device should now boot up as normal, but won’t connect to your phone (it has out-of-date pairing information).
- On the device, go into the Settings menu, and Unpair the device.
- After the device restarts, re-pair to it as if it were a new device.
pXX, uXX, fXX, xXX
The device has run into an unexpected issue. Please report this error. Any extra information you can provide, like a picture of the screen, and if there is anything you can do to cause the error would be very helpful for us to diagnose the issue further.